Multiscreen Broadcasting Conference برنامه ها

SyncCast 2.6
SyncCast is an application that automaticallydisplays on air TV program-related information on your smartphoneor tablet. Launch SyncCast at the same time as the supported TVshow or commercial, and related information plus special contents(called „blocks”) appear one after another on your timeline. Bytapping these blocks, you will receive more details and informationabout related offers as well.One of the best features of SyncCast is that it manages severalnationwide broadcast stations. You can access information frommultiple channels with a single application.. It also lets you know which TV programs are the ones providingrelated information. Have more fun with your TV using SyncCast!Main features. Program-related keywords appear automatically and can be searchedwith one tap.. Displays information related to products and shops introduced ona TV show. Allows you to apply for special offers and campaigns seen on acommercial or TV program. TV show or commercial-related information is automatically storedfor a period of time. An alarm function that makes sure you don’t miss your TV show※ This application provides related information aboutcommercials on air by recognizing TV sound.※ The campaigns offered through this application are stand-aloneand in no way affiliated with Google Inc.※ Viewing area settingsInformation about broadcast stations supporting SyncCast in yourviewing area is downloaded to your phone or tablet. Please keep inmind that depending on your location, there might be some functionsthat can be used only partially.
スマホがテレビに早代わり!-モアテレビ 1.2.2
お家で!スマホで!テレビが見られるアプリ “モアテレビ” 登場! “モアテレビ”は、NTT西日本が販売する“メディアコンセント”(製造:DXアンテナ)をご購入いただいた方がテレビ放送を見るためのアプリです。“モアテレビ”さえあればあなたのスマホがテレビに早変り! “モアテレビ”はあなたのテレビライフを広げます!!【例えばこんな人にオススメ】 テレビの無い自室で、大好きな音楽番組を見たいお兄さん お風呂につかりながら、話題のドラマが見たいお姉さん台所で料理を作りながら、情報番組が見たいお母さん リビングのテレビは子供に取られて、ニュースが見られないお父さんそんなテレビ好きの皆さんに!! 【使い方は簡単!】 ①“メディアコンセント”をお部屋にあるテレビ端子にセット、電源も忘れずに②“メディアコンセント”のSETボタンを長押しして家庭内LAN(IEEE802.11ac/nに対応していることが必要です)と接続③“モアテレビ”アプリを立ち上げれば、テレビ放送を手軽に見ることができます